

I just don’t think a lot of things make sense anymore. A sure sign I am getting old, I guess. The sign above is from a playground (Sunset Park) in Harvey Cedars. Basically this is a total cover-your-ass piece of crap from the manufacturer of the playground equipment and the town.

One of the most striking is it says adult supervision is required. First of all, if I child was to get hurt on a playground there should be no question about blame or fault. Unless of course there was actually something wrong with the equipment…but even then I am not so sure. If your a parent and your not watching your kid, it is your problem. But the other side of this is that they have a sign that says be careful, do things like this (safely!) and that adult supervision is necessary.

Time in court…it says right there they should be watching their child. The instructions and warnings about being careful are posted on that sign. Blame free for the town.

Kids are going to get hurt on the playground. It happens. You know who is to blame for most of it? Nobody. Kids play to learn what they can and cannot do. Part of that experience includes getting hurt. It teaches us to be more careful. It is called growing up.

What I am really wondering is why we had to get to this point. Everyone is looking for someone else to blame, while at the same time absolving themselves from any responsibility.